- 07/01 USA
Today article pitching the MD format against solid state devices.
- 06/01 A USA Today article covers Minidisc's
- 06/01 The Toronto Star
mentions Minidisc in its annual Achievement Awards ``Best audio
recording technology: MiniDisc, due to its editing capabilities and
portability.'' (See the entire
article [2MB PDF]).
- 04/01 The South China Morning Post (HK) carries a positive Minidisc article that quotes us. (We make several comments on the article.)
- 01/01:A Wired article briefly mentions MiniDisc MDLP as it sizes up the
latest audio and video products.
- 11/00: A CNET.com article talks of different digital audio technologies offered today, including MiniDisc.
- 7/00: A Stereophile article states that, aside from computer based
recording, MD is the leading digital recording format in the
- 3/00: Terence Chea, Wired writer, grudgingly
accepts that MiniDisc is the best recording format in today's
consumer digital audio marketplace.
- 3/00: An E-Media article finds the MiniDisc to be a useful and
valuable audio format after all these years.
- 7/99: Both Telegraph (UK) and TDK
Japan talk of MD's success and acceptance in the world.
- 6/99: Bill Sturrock points out a relatively objective Gadget News
article on MD and the Sony MZ-E40.
- 2/99: Journalist Gus Silber, alerts Johannesburg to the dawn of MiniDisc.
- 2/99: Stereophile advocated MD on
its convenience & quality.
- 12/98: Lee Chin has written a USC term paper on MD.
- 7/98: Top (Tower Records
Magazine UK) wrote enthusiastically about Pre-recorded MD in an article
last year.
- 7/98: EE Times article with a bit of inside information and
discussing Sony's MD strategy.
- 5/98: A favorable Telegraph (UK) article about MiniDisc has
links to several short equipment reviews.
- 2/98: T3 magazine had an interesting interview with Sony and Philips PR folks
in which they discussed where they think audio formats are headed.
- 11/97: Time Magazine article about A New World at Sony comments on how Idei is adapting
Sony to the networked, digital era. (Not directly MD related).
- 11/97: Rolling Stone article a few MD comments.
- 10/97: Singapore airlines inflight magazine had an article covering MD.
- 8/97: German Stereo magazine
discusses the current status of MD in
Europe (alternate translation).
- 5/97: A review of an article from the
Nikkei Business Weekly sheds light on how Sony's MZ-E50
MD player was created.
- 4/97: On the cover of their April issue, the German Stereo
Magazine wrote ``MD now definitely better than DAT'',
they discuss the relative standing of both formats in their review of Sony's top of the line
MDS-JA50ES MD deck.
- 4/97: In these excerpts of John Borwick's
Grammaphone review of the MDS-JE500 he states that he finds
MD and CD to be virtually indistinguishable.
- 4/97: In a Sound On Sound interview with one of the Sony MDM-X4
designers, mention is made of possibly using ATRAC on the
- 6/96: Excerpts of German Stereo Magazine about Sony's ATRAC 4.
- 1992: An article from
Audio magazine gives a good general introduction to
the technology employed in MiniDisc.